Rituals to honor motherhood
Since the cradle of humanity, one of the things that distinguished the species of Homo from other mammals was the need to engage in rituals. The entry into motherhood- whether as an original or recurring initiation - is such a powerful reorganization of the entire Universe that it needs to be celebrated and honored.
Rebozo: Closing Ritual
The Rebozo Closing Ritual is a profound experience to celebrate the transition into motherhood. It is usually done at 40 days after birth but it can be performed at any moment from about a month after birth onwards, including years after birth.
To bring a new human to Earth, the mother needs to open her spirit and her body enormously. This openness will be extremely helpful over the first days and weeks of the baby’s life to connect with her/ his subtle energy and to learn to listen. After a moment, however, being that open becomes challenging in our world, as the newborn mother will tend to perceive everything around her acutely. At some point, a time comes to start closing, while keeping the connection with her child. The Rebozo ritual marks this moment and accompanies the mother. It can be deeply healing and helping in her transformation.
The Rebozo ritual takes around four hours and includes four times - massage with 4 hands, sweat lodge/ yoni steam, rest, closing with the 7 rebozo scarfs. I often perform it with my doula sister and colleague Gérémia.