Kundalini Yoga & Meditation

Kundalini Yoga offers a number of tools for a woman on the sacred journey of motherhood.

I’ve been practicing Kundalini Yoga since 2006 and have been teaching since 2015. The practice has been a power support before, during and after my own pregnancies. I am happy to offer it as an additional tool to mothers (and partners) preparing for birth.

Kundalini Yoga helps prepare a woman for conscious conception, conscious pregnancy and conscious birthing. Sadhana, or daily practice, is a great accompaniment in this process of transformation, cleansing, alignment of body, mind and Soil, and experience of dwelling in the complete Creative Force of Infinity. Yoga and meditation help calm the mind, build strong nerves, and be a radiant vessel for the incarnating Soul.

There are special meditations that can be used, as well as special pranayam techniques to help through pregnancy and birth. Unless there is a history of previous miscarriages or a particular health problem, a pregnant woman can do pretty much all Kundalini Yoga sets for the first 120 days since conception, with the exception of Sat Kriya and Venus Kriyas. After the 120th day, she should also avoid Fire Breath, inversions, exercises which put pressure on the abdominal area, suspension of the breath on the exhale, and body locks (Mulabhanda, Uddayanabhanda, and Maha Bhand). After the 5th month, gong mediations are to be avoided as well. Special sets for pregnancy have been taught by Yogi Bhajan (see e.g. Conscious Pregnancy Manual). After the 7th month, cold showers are not recommended. 

The birthing experience is a sacred moment of transformation, when time and space disappear, and the door to Infinity opens. Consciousness, awareness and faith guide the mother.

For at least the first 40 days after birth, the mother and child are thought to share the same aura. The yogic tradition prescribes that the mother and baby should not separate during that time, and should be given loving care and support to spend this sacred time of bonding and welcome to earthly experience. Mother and child will continue being connected through their auras for at least 9 months and up to 2 years after birth. 


Rainbow Pregnancy

